Kaktoida Metamorphosis
Kaktoida Metamorphosis
2019, oil on canvas, 240 x 175 cm
Kaktoida (Verzi iz izgnanstva)
Kaktoida (Verzi iz izgnanstva)
2019, oil on canvas, 200 x 200 cm
Totalitarizem sezone parjenja
Totalitarizem sezone parjenja
2014, oil on canvas, 195 x 210 cm
Blanche, ne jezi se!
Blanche, ne jezi se!
2016, oil on canvas, 2 x 2,75 x 1,65 m
Mating Season Totalitarism 1
Mating Season Totalitarism 1
2014, oil on canvas, 210 x 290 cm
Zavesa je tako gosta, a vidi se severnica
Zavesa je tako gosta, a vidi se severnica
digital collage from the exhibition masks (maske)
Digitalni kolaž
Digitalni kolaž
Digitalni kolaž
Digitalni kolaž
Modra V.V.
Modra V.V.
2017, textile collage, 300 x 300 cm
2017, textile collage, 300 x 300 cm
Human Oroborus
Human Oroborus
2017, coloured pencil and graphite pencil drawing, collage on paper, 2,47 x 2,47 m
Doubt is Beautiful
Doubt is Beautiful
2017, textile collage, 180 x 165 cm


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